
Food Truck Round-up at Fashion Square

The food truck craze has hit Orlando and is delivering a lot of delectable eats to the locals. In a town dominated by chains, it's refreshing to see so many local independent food mongers plying their trade in this way. This isn't carnival food…
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Neon Roadtrip Column on Roadside Online

A friend of mine, William Flood, has a very cool site called Neon Roadside. Bill's site focuses on a variety of mid-century themes, including Airstream trailers, neon signage and retro architecture, all fortified by photos from his travels.…
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Orlando Food in the 1970s, Pt. 2

This is another bunch of ads from the Orlando Sentinel food sectionals from 1972. Check the original article here. Above is an advert for Sweden House. My love for "All You Can Eat Buffets" knows know boundaries. Of course, back then it was…

Pan American World Airways – Question: Is the Going Great?

I have a collection of Pan Am advertising music called "The Music of Pan Am". I took one of the songs, "Question: Is the Going Great" sung by Sammy Davis Jr. and mashed it up with scenes from the Pan Am PR film, "6 and a Half Magic Hours".…
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Retro Florida Menu – Aunt Hattie's Chicken in the Woodpile

I found this menu for Aunt Hattie's Chicken in the Woodpile on eBay a few years ago. It's especially neato because it's autographed by Edward "Uncle Ed" Boore, husband of Aunt Hattie and founder of the restaurant. Aunt Hattie's was opened in…
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Pumperniks Menu

Pumperniks was a Saturday afternoon staple for my family when I was growing up in Miami. It’s the first place I ever ate Matzo ball soup and a brisket sandwich. The experience of eating this food for the first time was enough to make me consider…