Delta Dreamflight was a ride at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Opened in 1989, it replaced one of my favorite rides as a kid, If You Had Wings, which was sponsored by Eastern Airlines. When Eastern dropped their sponsorship, Delta stepped in and became the official airline of Walt Disney World. This media package was released during the opening festivities and contains promotional materials, Delta collateral and a photo. I’ve scanned some of the more interesting material. Click to enlarge.
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I was going through some old backups today and I came across some images that took me back. In 1996, I was a founding member of the Triple Dub Club Cyberneighborhood. (WWW, three Ws, get it?) This was an online Disney community founded by a number of individuals from the Disney Fans Bulletin Board (DFBB) on Prodigy. Remember Prodigy? The Web was young, and we all thought we could create a truly interactive online neighborhood, themed around Disney history. It was a fun experiment, though it didn’t last very long. When Prodigy switched to a web based platform, the DFBB died.. It’s ironic, but while we were trying to create a web based environment, to build up our Disney fan community, as soon as the old ASCII based forums disappeared, our community sort of fell apart and so did the TDCC. Still, I’ll always remember that time fondly.
Here’s some of the graphics I created for the TDCC.
Triple Dub Club Cyberneighborhood. This was my first ever piece of graphic design. I created it entirely in Microsoft Paint. Thank goodness Photoshop eventually came into my life.
My handle on the Prodigy Disney Fans Bulletin Board was J. Thaddeus Toad. So when I created my own page for the TDCC, it only made sense to call it Toad Hall.
An animted gif of the Wedway Peoplemover that I created. This was to be the graphic that displayed when you were moving between themed sections of the TDCC.
We didn’t really go to Universal Studios when I was a kid. We were most definitely a Disney World family, and frankly I’m okay with that. That said, I love themeparks, and now that I’m an adult, I’m just as intrigued by the design and history of Universal as any other park.
About 6 months to a year ago, I stumbled across this interesting little find at an estate sale. What appeared to be a media kit for the opening of Universal Studios in Orlando. I bought it for 8 bucks (a steal, I think) and promptly forgot about it. Today, after finding it in a closet, I thought I’d share my first reaction of opening it up. Here’s the film.
Here’s an article I wrote for back in the early 2000s about Walt Disney’s Empress Lilly restaurant, called “The Queen of Lake Buena Vista“.
Yesterday I visited Downtown Disney and took some pictures the flying contraptions in World of Disney. These are a bunch of these hanging in the main hall. Click a picture to make larger.
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